Has a live developer we are sharing some basic question on Html and Css when anyone goes to crack interview on Html and Css.
Take a look and prepare for your interview on Css and Html.
1 What is HTML5?
Ans : HTML5 is came with some
new features. HTML5 is the new
standard for HTML, XHTML, and
2. Are HTML tags case sensitive?
Ans : No, nothing like this HTML
tags are not case sensitive. You can
use any case as your wish.
3. What do you understand
about? CSS and How many kind
of CSS we use?
Ans.Full form of CSS is? Cascading?
Style?Sheets. If you are a designer
(HTML/CSS Developer) than you
must have good command on CSS.
You can say CSS i just like as blood
in human body. CSS define?how to
display?HTML elements
There are three types of CSS we can
(a) Inline style sheet —: We use
inside the HTML element
(b) Internal style sheet – : We use
inside the HTML page using
<style></style> tag
(c) External style sheet : – Separate
file or external file
4. What is DHTML?
Ans : DHTML is a combination of
HTML, XHTML, Javascript, Jquery
and CSS , We use DHTML for?
making dynamic and interactive
web pages.
5. What is XML?
Ans XML stands for extensible?
Markup?Language. Basically XML is
designed to transport and store
6. As you see sometimes we use
‘clear” , Why we use ?clear ?in
Ans : It play a important role if we
are using many <div> accordingly.
Basically We use the clearance in
HTML code for separating the
content from one <div> content
after floating the position of
other<div> content.
7. How to create? an e- mail link
on given text in HTML?
Ans : <a
href=”mailto:info@vinayakinformatics.com”>vinayak informatics <a/
8. Can we call external CSS file if
yes that How can we call the
external style sheet?
Ans <link rel=”stylesheet”
type=”text/css” href=”mystyle.css”>
9. How do we make a comment
inside the CSS file?
Ans : /* include your comment
10. How can we make each word
in a text start with a capital
letter using CSS?
Ans : We can use this property
text-transform: capitalize;
11. What are? the main difference
between css2 and css3?
Ans : The main and biggest
difference between CSS2 and CSS3
is that CSS3 has been split up into
different sections, called modules.
Each of these modules is making it?
s way through the W3C in various
stages of the recommendation
12. What is the? grouping in CSS?
Ans : We can write style for two or
more selectors that share the same
style, only we need to comma
separated list of every selector.
Grouping is decrease number of
line in our code.
13. What is difference between
margin and padding in CSS ?
Ans : the main difference
between margin and padding…
Padding – defines space between
border and element content
Margin – defines space between
border and other outer elements
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